Bonnie Auyeung
Sex-specific impact of prenatal androgens on social brain default mode subsystems
Effects of oxytocin administration on salivary sex hormone levels in autistic and neurotypical women
10Kin1day: A Bottom-Up Neuroimaging Initiative
Neural self-representation in autistic women and association with 'compensatory camouflaging'
Sex Differences in the Adult Human Brain: Evidence from 5216 UK Biobank Participants
EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): the autism twin cohort
Quantifying and exploring camouflaging in men and women with autism
The EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): clinical characterisation
The EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project (LEAP): design and methodologies to identify and validate stratification biomarkers for autism spectrum disorders
Improving effect size estimation and statistical power with multi-echo fMRI and its impact on understanding the neural systems supporting mentalizing
Alexithymia in children with and without autism spectrum disorders
Unsupervised data-driven stratification of mentalizing heterogeneity in autism
Sex/gender differences and autism: setting the scene for future research
The "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" Test: Complete Absence of Typical Sex Difference in ~400 Men and Women with Autism
Prenatal and postnatal hormone effects on the human brain and cognition
Extreme male brain (EMB) theory.
Fetal programming effects of testosterone on the reward system and behavioral approach tendencies in humans
Cognition in males and females with autism: similarities and differences
Fetal testosterone influences sexually dimorphic gray matter in the human brain
Why are autism spectrum conditions more prevalent in males?
Organizational effects of fetal testosterone on human corpus callosum size and asymmetry